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Chomping at the Brit: Could Trump strike deals with UK before Brexit even happens?
Trump Says He'll Make Trade Deal With U.K. After Brexit Vote
Donald Trump: "Brexit is going to end up being a great thing, i thought the UK so smart"
Trump: Brexit ‘a great thing,’ EU to continue to break apart
Donald Trump outlines foreign-policy plans in first UK interview
Brexit: PM May 'to confirm Britain's exit from EU single market'
Political, legal opposition adds obstacles to Brexit
On the brink of Brexit: The United Kingdom, Ireland, and Europe
Brexit's Biggest Fan: Trump weighs in ahead of Theresa May speech (part 1)
President Donald Trump And British PM Theresa May Hold Joint Press Conference | NBC News
Donald Trump wants to see Britain "flourish": Michael Gove - Daily Mail
NATO, Russia, Merkel, Brexit: Trump unleashes broadsides on Europe